Landships & War Cars
By David Fletcher
Landships, War Cars
Out of print for many years, Land Ships, War Cars along with Mechanised Force are effectively prequels to David Fletcher’s two-volume history of British Armour in the Second World War
Originally published by HMSO, The Tank Museum has the rights to republish the original text, complete with a 21st Century makeover.
Landships was a pioneering work on British tanks of the First World War. It examines, describes and illustrates every type of tank built for the British Army, against the background of the battles in which they fought.
Alongside it, War Cars examines the British development and use of Armoured Cars in World War One. Unsuited to the Western Front, they fought with great success in almost every other theatre of war.
We have merged these two volumes into one title, to create a comprehensive history of British Armour in the First World War.Â